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COVID-19 & Singing

Update | September 18, 2021

As we continue to navigate through this unexpected time, we know that supporting the safety and wellness of our community is something we all share. Our focus remains staying connected with our singers, families, and our community, and continuing our music education programs.

*NEW* Alberta Restrictions Exemption Program

Starting Monday, September 20, 2021, EYV singers (12 and up), staff, parents, volunteers and anyone else coming in and out of the church will need to provide proof of vaccination

(single dose accepted between September 20th and October 25th if received 2 weeks before time of service and double doses required after October 25th), documentation of a medical exemption, or proof of a privately-paid negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service (tests from AHS or Alberta Precision Laboratories not allowed) in order to participate in the Alberta Restrictions Exemption Program.   


In addition, EYV will continue to follow the safety measures we have in place for in-person rehearsals.


The following measures are in place for in-person rehearsals (subject to change depending on current guidelines & restrictions):


  • It is recommended that all singers complete AHS Screening Questionnaire prior to coming to choir each week, and must stay home if sick. The option to participate online will be available for singers that are unable to attend in person due to illness.


  • Because we are not considered a cohort, ALL singers must wear a mask during rehearsals and in common spaces in the church.  â€‹


  • Attendance will be taken each week and will be kept on hand for possible contact tracing.


  • When singers sign in, it is recommended they sanitize their hands and may be asked how they’re feeling before heading to their rehearsal room. 


  • In the rehearsal rooms, chairs will be spaced two metres apart, will be staggered, and will all be facing the same direction.


  • Windows may be open during rehearsals, so please dress warm! 


  • All chairs and high touch surfaces will be sanitized after each rehearsal. 


  • If we learn that someone came to choir and later tested positive for COVID-19, EYV will inform all families and it is recommended to self-isolate. It is possible at that point that rehearsals will revert to an online format. 


  • If conductors have symptoms or must self-isolate for any reason, rehearsals will revert to online for the required amount of time. 



The safety of our singers, families and community remains our number one priority.  While we recognize not everyone will agree with our current measures, we feel this is just one way our organization can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and  lessen the burden on our health care system.   


Thank you to the amazing health care workers and all other frontline workers who are working tirelessly everyday for us to help curb the spread of COVID-19.



For more information on COVID-19 public health actions click HERE.

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